Instantly Detects Dangerous Metal Particles In Lubricating Oil.

Instantly Detects Dangerous Metal Particles
In Lubricating Oil. Continuous Oil Analysis 24/7
MetalAlert® – Metal Particle Detector provides early warning of excessive wear in lubricated machinery, including engines, transmissions, gearboxes, turbines, compressors etc.
Metal Particle Detectors continuously monitor lubricating oil for metal debris – the first sign of a pending failure when bearings, pistons, liners, gears and cams and other parts begin to experience accelerated wear. MetalAlert® Controller monitors the metal particles on the sensing grid. When excessive debris is detected, the Controller can trigger a lamp, siren or stop the equipment.
Real time oil analysis for metal debris is ideal for remote monitoring of engines and equipment, especially when they are unmanned or are mission critical. The Detectors form an integral component required for condition based and predictive maintenance programmes. Also the installation of a Metal Particle Detector is ideal for installations where oil analysis services are not readily available such as marine applications and remote installations. Our Detectors are often installed by engine overhaul / repair companies immediately after repairs or overhauls prior to load testing. Should a problem develop, it can be immediately identified therefore limiting the extent of the damage and costs to rectify the problem.
Early detection of a potential failure – damage is greatly reduced or eliminated resulting in reduced repair costs and less downtime.
• Provides 24/7 Failure Detection
• Detects All Metals
• No Moving Parts
• No Calibration
• Easy To Install
• Used By OEMs Worldwide
MetalAlert® operates in lubricating oil and all non-conductive fluids and detects both magnetic and non-magnetic metal debris.
APPLICATIONS: Diesel and Gasified Engines • Marine Engines • Compressors • Gas Turbines • Steam Turbines • Transmissions • Gear Boxes • Hydraulics.